Thursday, August 19, 2010

Left Leg Healed After Great Toe Amputation

I am currently working on the video project to show the healing of my mother's left foot. She had the great toe amputated 2 years ago and this is our second bout with amputation. The first bout was with her right foot. ( See Video on right side bar)

She had an ingrown toenail, that led to an infection that got into the bone.

The great toe was removed.

She at first had a balloon stent placed in her leg. She noticed no difference in feeling in her leg shortly after the procedure. Your leg should feel warrmet or some form of increased circulation after a stent. If not it should be re-checked to make sure.

In our case they had to go higher up and do a femoral stent. It opened up the blood flow to the foot, thus allowing it to heal in good time.

Take care of your ingrown toe nails. This is a big lesson for those with diabetic feet.